
Family Night

Help your family grow closer to God and to others this year! We have groups for all ages on Wednesday nights at 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. during the school year. Visitors are always welcome! Please register your family online so you don’t have to register onsite. Boys Groups “Royal Rangers” is a boys’ program for ages 3 – grade 12. Boys learn practical lessons from the Bible with a variety of themes including camping, sports, lifesaving, first aid, etc. This program has…

Youth Convention

Youth Convention is a weekend event for students in 6th-12th grades who want to know God in a closer way and share time with friends. The weekend includes special speakers, worship band, workshops to help you grow in your faith, staying together in a hotel with a pool and free breakfast, going out to eat, late night mystery adventure, free pizza party, opportunity to play sports against other churches, a visit to the mall, and of course, lots of time to…